CSC 161 Schedule Readings Labs & Projects Homework Deadlines Resources
Reading Assignments
CSC 161 Imperative Problem Solving Fall 2021

The most current reading appears at the top. (Readings are posted in reverse chronological order and appear here a day before class.)

Mon 12/06 File I/O
Fri 12/03 Command-Line Arguments
Wed 12/01 Stack Variants
Mon 11/29 Queues
Wed 11/24 Queues
Mon 11/22 Stacks and Queues
Mon 11/15 Program Management
Fri 11/12 Linked Lists
Wed 11/10 Scheme-like Lists
Mon 11/08 Pointers and Malloc
Fri 11/05 Function Pointers
Wed 11/03 Image Processing
Mon 11/01 Two-dimensional Arrays
Fri 10/29 Structures
Mon 10/25 Character I/O
Fri 10/15 Reading Data
Wed 10/13 Characters and Strings
Mon 10/11 Bitwise Operations and Unions
Wed 10/06 Floating-point Representation
Mon 10/04 Binary Integer Representation
Wed 09/29 Preprocessor
Mon 09/27 Debugging with GDB
Fri 09/24 Arrays
Wed 09/22 Functions and Pointer Parameters
Mon 09/20 Program Testing
Fri 09/17 Functions
Mon 09/13 Loops
Fri 09/10 Booleans and Conditionals
Wed 09/08 Models of Computation
Mon 09/06 Types and Variables
Wed 09/01 Program Development
Mon 08/30 Overview of C and Scribbler2
Fri 08/27 Introduction
Jerod Weinman
Created 3 August 2015